Our customer and self-confessed lawn-enthusiast explains his preoccupation: “I am obsessed, it’s true. I wake up early to look at the lawn, water three times a day, mow every other day, feed regularly – it’s become a way of life!”
The results of lawn obsession - greatly improved lush green grass

This lawn development venture is part of a much bigger building, landscaping and renovation project due for completion by the autumn.

But although not yet finished, the sweeping wrap around south-facing lawn is well on the way to greatness and will soon set off a newly extended and rendered property, complete with large deck.

The transformation has involved removing 40 bags of thatch – the result of years of grass clipping build-up.
Barrow loads of soil were needed to fill lawn dips

Forty barrow loads of soil were needed to help level sections of previously dipped and hollowed lawn, and a seeding programme is an on-going labour of love thanks to a battle with the local pigeon population. 

Our customer again: “I put the seed down, the pigeons take a little, I put a bit more down and the pigeons come back – it’s an on-going exercise, but I’m definitely winning, and it’s all part of the process of getting the lawn I want. 

“I’ve used Premier Landscape and Lawn Grass Seed to help generate robust grass – it has to be hard-wearing enough for our family and the dog, and I’ve used lawn sand to help fight weeds, get rid of any moss and green and toughen the grass.”
Necessary lawn foundation work - dethatching and weedkilling 

The on-going maintenance programme involves careful mowing, thorough watering and feeding with Nutrigrow Spring Lawn Fertiliser.

This will continue to improve the quality of the grass and provide it with resilience to see off any impacts of extreme weather.

So why did our customer come to us? He explains: “One of the key reasons for shopping at Agrigem was to purchase products that would cover the size of the garden. 

“High street feed, seed and weedkiller packs wouldn’t have been able cover the volume I needed, so buying larger packs was helpful, and ultimately, more cost-effective.”

Once the remaining seeding and building work is complete, we will return to take a final photo and share it here – check back soon to see the final transformation!