Fertilisers for grass and lawns

All the recent rain we’ve been experiencing may mean moss re-establishes in lawns and turf. Treat it with our range of higher iron fertilisers.

For sports turf mown above 6mm, a no-phosphate fertiliser is ideal, whereas high phosphate fertilisers can benefit pasture used for general feed.

For healthy grass, lawns, and pasture, choose:

  • Nutrigrow MossTop – a balanced high-iron fertiliser perfect for paddocks, lawns, sports, and amenity turf. 
  • Nutrigrow High-Fe – a long-lasting fertiliser for even growth, quality, and colour. Works well in cooler periods for pre-stress conditioning. 
  • Nutrigrow No-P – a zero phosphate fertiliser ideal for grass and turf mown above 6mm. 
  • Nutrigrow 10-15-10 High Phosphate – a great corrective fertiliser for phosphate deficient plants, paddocks, and pasture. 

Fertilisers for paddocks and pasture

For general paddock and pasture maintenance and for intensive hay production and grazing, select high quality fertilisers in standard 25kg or large 600kg bulk bags.

For healthy paddocks and pasture, choose:

  • Nutrigrow 20-10-10 – an excellent general maintenance fertiliser to feed grass for intensive hay production.
  • Nutrigrow 16-16-16 – ideal for treating grass that is going to be grazed. A standard balanced formulation for paddocks and pasture. 

Fertilisers for plants, trees, and edible produce

Fertiliser has an incredible impact on plants, trees, and edible produce – delivering nutrients that can boost growth, strength, colour, and crop health. For strong plants and healthy produce, choose:

  • Nutrigrow Growmore – A highly effective general purpose balanced granular fertiliser for strong healthy plants, trees, fruits, and vegetables. 

Fertilisers for lawns and sports turf

When it comes to grass, mowing and removing grass clippings also removes the sugars needed for growth, forcing the grass to extract nutrients from the soil. 

Over the course of a year, these nutrients become depleted, so if you want healthy green grass and turf in high-mow zones, you will need to apply fertiliser.

For strong, resilient, moss-free sports and amenity turf, choose:

  • Greenmaster Pro Lite Double-K - a high potassium fertiliser to strengthen turf. With added micronutrients calcium and magnesium for continuous turf health. 
  • Greenmaster Invigorator Plus - releases over four-six weeks and delivers an immediate turf response. High iron content for moss control. 
  • Sierraform – a balanced fertiliser formulated for use after aeration. Will improve colour. 
  • Greenmaster Pro Lite Cold Start – with results in seven days, this turf fertiliser kick-starts growth in cooler months. A high iron content for moss control. 

All fertilisers can remain in storage until you need them, provided they are kept in cool, dry, and well-ventilated storage areas. Take advantage of our discounted rates and stock up now for summer, autumn and beyond.