What is Knotgrass?

Knotgrass (scientific name Polygonum Aviculare) is an annual weed usually found on weak areas of lawns but can also be found on compacted soil. Despite the name, it is not a grass! The plant sends out stems which have growth nodes, and every node can take root and start a new clump of the grass.

Identification & Occurrence:

Knotgrass can grow up to 50 - 60cm and usually blooms between the months of May & October with small, very pale pink / white flowers that grow close to the stem. Knotgrass is a widespread weed and tends to grow across the ground and spread across the soil surface.

Knotgrass can be identified by the leaves, which vary in size but are leathery and oval shaped on a short stalk. They start off rolled up but flatten out as they grow older.

The Problem: 

Knotgrass can spread by seed or rhizomes and will eventually compete with your chosen variety of turf or lawn grass taking it over. It can grow in a variety of places including through the cracks on driveways or paths and grassland. Knotweed prefers sandy / gravelly habitats.

We recommend keeping soils as aerated as possible as this will discourage knotgrass growth. For specialist control we advise using a strong selective herbicide such as Thrust or Praxys. 

For more information on controlling Knotgrass, please get in touch with our sales team on 01522 246491.