Agrigem Equine
Agrigem has been supporting the equine sector for more than a decade. We work with a range of customers from smallholders to international equestrian centres and provide high-quality products and advice covering paddock and arena care.
As our horses rely on grass for much of their nutritional welfare, applying the right fertiliser is vital. Our BASIS, FACTS & BETA qualified technical team are on hand to advise and guide with tailored recommendations.
Agrigem is also well known as the go-to company for paddock weed control products and seed - helping improve the quality of the grass sward and provide maximum nutrient uptake for grazing animals.
Our equine division is headed up by Millie Wilkinson. Millie can help you navigate through the complex world of equine nutrition with a sharp focus on grazing fundamentals. This experience, backed by Agrigem's heritage in the sector helps ensure our equine offer is always relevant and of value to paddock managers.

Millie Wilkinson
Millie Wilkinson is Agrigem's Account Manager in charge of equine customers. She has more than 12 years' experience in the equine sector including running her own yard, competing for the England team in the Pony Club, working as a showjumping competition groom, and latterly a showjumping coach.
Millie has ridden, owned, and sold horses her whole life. She is an established name online where she is an active voice in the latest conversations around horse health and the world of buying and selling elite horses.
Millie is a keen proponent of good grazing nutrition and the importance of high-quality paddock maintenance in supporting the health of all horses. You can contact her by emailing: or by calling: 01522 246491.
Latest Equine News
The Ragwort Risk 07th March 25
As the weather warms, the dreaded ragwort is starting to germinate, thriving on a huge range of soils here in the UK.
Ragwort can become established more easily where the sward is not well established, perhaps due to poaching or because other weeds have taken hold leaving the soil exposed where seed can land – especially common in late summer and autumn.
Its toxicity to horses means we must control it, and our only options are to pull, cut or plough it out, or use targeted chemical control.
Care should be taken if cutting and pulling, as cut plants may still set seed, and root fragments left in the ground are also capable of reproduction.
For this reason, I recommend Thrust – a selective weedkiller that is highly effective on ragwort, and can also be used to kill thistle, dock, plantain, soft rush and buttercup.
Get in touch to chat about your options when it comes to controlling ragwort in your paddock, email me on, or complete the contact form below.
Outdoor Living Starts with Soil Testing 07th March 25
We hear more and more about the equine welfare benefits of turning out horses allowing them maximum time to graze and roam.
Whether this is your current practice or something you’re transitioning to, it pays to get to grips with your paddock and improve your knowledge of grazing nutrition.
Paddock soil testing can provide a wealth of information relating to nutrient availability, giving you the tools to grow high quality grass, reduce weed and moss growth, and mitigate damage from drought.
I see yard owners regularly spending on general paddock feed year after year, when a more tailored fertiliser recommendation can save money and improve outcomes - both in terms of horse health and budget control.
Find out more about paddock soil testing, contact me today:
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