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Flexidor Residual Weed Killer 500ml

£275.15 inc VAT £229.29 ex VAT
  • Controls a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in a selection of tree species, ornamental plants, top fruit, bush fruit, summer fruiting cane and soft fruit, vines and hops.
  • New 500g/l formulation is 4 times stronger than the previous (and now discontined) product, Flexidor® 125.

Full Description

Flexidor® Residual Weed Killer controls a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in top fruit, bush fruit, summer fruiting cane and soft fruit, vines, hops, forestry, ornamental plant production and amenity vegetation. It is notably effective on a variety of weeds such as poppy, fat hen, speedwell, mayweed, nettle, redshank and volunteer oilseed rape. This is the brand new 500g/l formulation meaning it is 4 times stronger than the previous product, Flexidor® 125which is now discontinued.

Mix Flexidor® with Kerb Flo 5L for extra control against grasses and broad-leaved weeds. This mixture is ideal for use around tree and shrub bases to kill weeds which are already present and to prevent others from growing.


Flexidor may be applied to the following Tree Species

Conifers Broad-Leaved Trees
Austrian Pine Alder
Caucasian Fir Ash 
Colorado Spruce Beech
Douglas Fir Birch
European Larch Cherry
Japenese Larch Oak
Noble Fir Poplar
Norway Spruce  Sweet Chestnut
Scots Pine Sycamore
Serbian Spruce Willow


Flexidor may be applied to the following Ornamental Plants

Conifers Broad Leaved Shrubs
Chamaecyparis Acer Escallonia Potentilla
Cupressocyparis Alnus Euonymus Prunus
Juniperus Amorpha Fagus Quercus
Pinus Berberis Forsythia Ribes
Pseudotsuga Betula Fraxinus Rodinia
Thuya Calutea Gleditisia Rosa
Tsuga Campsis Groseiller Salix
  Caragama Hebe Skimmia
  Carpinus Hibiscus Sophora
  Cassis Hypericum Spirea
  Cornus Laburnum Tamarix
  Corylus Ligustrum Tilia
  Cratageus Philadelphus Weigela
  Deutzia Populus  

Our Recommendation

  • Always read the product label before use.
  • Use this product as an all over treatment around trees or plants for long-lasting weed control.
  • When used alone, Flexidor® should always be used before weed emergence.
  • If you are after a granular weed killer, look at Gem Granules.
  • Save time and money and mix with Blue Dye to ensure all areas are covered and not overdosed.
  • Always wear protective clothing, such as Chemical Resistant Gloves, when handling Flexidor®.

Technical Specification

ProductFlexidor Residual Weed Killer 500ml
Period Of UseSpring, Winter
Pack Size500ml
Active Ingredient500g/L isoxaben
Application MethodKnapsack, Boom Sprayer
Knapsack Sprayer Rate5-10ml per 10L of water
Area of UseTrees, Ornamentals
MAPP No.18042
Boom Sprayer Rate0.15-0.5L per Hectare
Pack Size CoverageUp to 3.3 Hectares or 33,000m²
Treats (Pest / Weed / Disease)Chickweed, Fat Hen, General Weeds, Nettle, Shepherds purse, Speedwell
Product LabelDownload

Help & Advice


By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out. Upon purchasing this product you and/or the end users are responsibile for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved Professional Product (MAPP). Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides. There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).
£275.15 inc VAT £229.29 ex VAT
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