Paddock Weedkiller Bundle
Take advantage now and stock up on highly effective weed control for your paddock - ready to use in spring. This fantastic bundle will help you control broad-leaved dock, curled dock, thistle, spear thistle, and common nettle in established grassland.
Bundle Contents:
- 1 x Spear & Jackson Pump Up Sprayer 5L
- 1 x Blue Gem 1L
- 2 x Grazon Spot 500ml
- 1 x Chemical Resistant Gloves
Full Description
Grazon Spot is a highly effective herbicide ideal for treating smaller areas. It contains a powerful combination of 60 g/L clopyralid + 240 g/L triclopyr, offering excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle, and common nettle in established grassland. Not only that, Grazon Spot also has an effect on a wide range of other annual and perennial weeds, as listed on the label.
Grazon Spot should be applied from March – October in good growing conditions to a dry leaf. To ensure no areas are missed or over dosed, we recommend mixing in Blue Dye which will temporarily colour the area you have sprayed blue. This will in turn save both time and money.
Grazon Spot apart from other weed control products is its full endorsement for use via handheld application equipment. This makes it incredibly easy to apply, saving you time and effort. Grazon Spot is fast-acting and provides long-term control by moving to the roots of the weeds. And with its rainfast properties in just 2 hours, you won't have to worry about the weather affecting its performance. Grazon Spot is also very safe to grass, ensuring your paddock or pasture stays healthy and lush.
Stock grazing can resume only 7 days after application, but if any poisonous weeds such as ragwort are present it will need to be longer. It is important to control weeds such as ragwort as it is toxic to grazing horses and is undesirable in grass grown for silage, hay and haylage. Ragwort is also troublesome as it spreads rapidly; the seeds are easily picked up by the wind and deposited elsewhere.
Our Recommendation
- Always read the product label before use.
- Apply Grazon Spot to a dry foliage area, avoid applications to disease- or pest-ridden targets as this will affect the efficacy of the spray.
- Keep pets and other out of treated areas for at least 2 hours until the spray has dried on the leaf.
- Always wear protective clothing, such as Chemical Resistant Gloves, face shield, gloves, coveralls and rubber boots when handling Grazon Spot.
Technical Specification
Product | Paddock Weedkiller Bundle |
Brand | Grazon |
Period Of Use | Autumn, Spring, Summer |
Pack Size | 500ml |
Active Ingredient | 240 g/litre triclopyr 60 g/litre clopyralid |
Application Method | Knapsack |
Knapsack Sprayer Rate | 60ml per 10L of water |
Area of Use | Paddock, Pasture, Amenity Turf |
MAPP No. | 19956 |
LERAP Category | B |
Pack Size Coverage | Up to 0.5 Hectares or 5,000m² |
Safe For Use On | Grass, Pasture, Paddocks |
Treats (Pest / Weed / Disease) | Brambles, Broad-leaved Dock, Dock, Gorse, Nettle, Ragwort, Thistle |
MSDS | Download |
Product Label | Download |
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