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Sultan Residual Weed Killer 5L

£162.00 inc VAT £135.00 ex VAT
  • Residual herbicide that offers both pre- and post-emergence control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds.
  • Ideal for use around ornamental trees, shrubs and forestry.
  • Approved for application via a knapsack or boom sprayer.

Full Description

Sultan 50SC is a residual herbicide for the pre- and post- emergence control of broad-leaved weeds, however it will also have some effect against grass weeds. It can be used around ornamental trees, shrubs and forestry making it an ideal replacement for Ronstar which was taken off the market in 2014.

Apply Sultan as an overall treatment to the area using a knapsack or boom sprayer. New plantings can be treated after lining out or transplanting once the plants are established and sufficiently hardened off to withstand treatment. This may require irrigation before application which will also ensure adequate soil moisture. Apply 1.5 litres of Sultan in 220-450 litres of water per hectare. Use the higher water volume when seedbeds are less than ideal to ensure adequate coverage.

Sultan will provide effective control the following weeds: chickweed, red dead-nettle, forget-me-not, mayweed, annual meadow grass, parsley piert, speedwell & sheppard's purse. It will also provide a degree of control against cleavers, cranesbill and poppy.

Some of the below list may be treated with an overall spray. Not all species or cultivars have been tested and so only a small number of plants should be treated initially to gain experience with the treatment. Selectivity it is greatest when applied under cool, overcast conditions. Applications should not be made to soft, vigorously growing foliage particularly during or after a period of warm days and cold nights.


Trees Shrubs
Acer Fagus Pseudotsuga Berberis Rhamnus
Aesculus Fraxinus† Pyrus Cotoneaster Ribes
Ailanthus Gleditsia Quercus Cornus Rosa
Alnus Juniperus Robinia† Escallonia Rubus
Amelanchia Larix Salix Euonymus Sambucus
Betula Malus Sophora† Forsythia Spirea
Carpinus Nothofagus Sorbus Hippophae Stephanandra
Castanea Ostrya Thuja Hypericum Symphoricarpus
Catalpa Picea Tilia Ilex Tamarix
Chamaecyparis Pinus†   Ligustrum Viburnum†
Corylus†† Platanus   Mahonia Weigela
Crataegus Populus   Philadelphus  
Davidia Prunus   Potentilla  


Note: † These species may show transient leaf curl, leaf necrosis and mottling (needle shortening on Pinus) from overall sprays. †† These species have been tested with a directed spray at the stem base only.

Our Recommendation

  • Always read the product label before use.
  • Use Sultan as a replacement to Ronstar Liquid.
  • You can use Sultan in conjunction with Kerb Flo & Falcon for grass weed control.
  • Save time and money and mix with Blue Dye to ensure no areas are missed or overdosed.
  • Keep livestock out of treated areas until poisonous weeds (such as ragwort) have died and become unpalatable.
  • Avoid spraying Sultan in windy conditions as drift may cause damage to neighbouring crops or plants.
  • Always wear protective clothing, such as Chemical Resistant Gloves, when handling Sultan.

Technical Specification

ProductSultan Residual Weed Killer 5L
Period Of UseAutumn, Spring
Pack Size5 Litre
Active Ingredient500g/L metazachlor
Application MethodKnapsack, Boom Sprayer
Knapsack Sprayer Rate10ml per 10L of water
Area of UseTrees, Ornamentals
MAPP No.16680
LERAP Category
Boom Sprayer Rate1.5L per Hectare
Pack Size CoverageUp to 3 Hectares or 30,000m²
Safe For Use OnAround Fruit Trees, Around Shrubs, Around Trees
Treats (Pest / Weed / Disease)Annual Weeds, Bindweed, Chickweed, Daisy, Fat Hen, General Weeds, Grasses, Nettle
Product LabelDownload

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Calculator Disclaimer - This is guide only, For crop specific rates please check the product label.


By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out. Upon purchasing this product you and/or the end users are responsibile for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved Professional Product (MAPP). Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides. There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).
£162.00 inc VAT £135.00 ex VAT
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